Niedersachsen Ports

Niedersachsen Ports


With a total of 15 port locations, Niedersachsen Ports is the largest operator of public seaports in Germany. Along Niedersachsen's coastline and with our experts, partners and customers, we are creating the port landscape of the future.

Together, we will realize fresh ideas. As a service provider for our port customers, we create the right conditions for further development of the seaports of Niedersachsen. That is why Niedersachsen Ports is investing in almost every location in large infrastructure projects. 

See for yourself, how productive our ports are.

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Ship Arrivals and Departures

Current News

| Wilhelmshaven

Hafenentwicklung in Wilhelmshaven

20 Jahre Investitionen: Niedersachsen Ports (NPorts) hat in den vergangenen Jahren 110 Millionen in den Ausbau seines…

| Oldenburg

20 Jahre NPorts: Die Möglichmacher der niedersächsischen Seehäfen

Die Hafengesellschaft Niedersachsen Ports (NPorts) feiert im Jahr 2025 ihr 20-jähriges Bestehen. Zusammengenommen sind…

| Emden

The Swiss Army Knife of Wind Turbines on the North Sea Shore

Niedersachsen Ports, in collaboration with the Swiss start-up company FlowGen, has installed the first container wind…
