Project Info


Within the scope of the EU INTERREG project NON-STOP, we are developing a concept for a smart sediment and water management system at the Port of Emden. The pilot project is committed to three project goals:

a) Reduction of the influx of materials from the River Ems into the port,

b) Improvement of the drainage of the hinterland of Emden, and

c) Long-term support of maintenance dredging.

This takes special knowledge of microbiology and sedimentology, the development of a suitable water monitoring system, and a streamlined interaction of infrastructural elements (such as locks and a pumping station). On the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the system and with the aid of digital technologies, we want to integrate and link in natural processes even more to help preserve the sustainability of the Port of Emden and its direct surroundings.

For additional picture material regarding this project, please contact our Press Office:


Daniela da Rosa, Zufahrten und Liegeplätze (Vermessung, GIS)


Daniela da Rosa
Access roads and berths (surveying, GIS)

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG

Branch Emden
Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 7-9
26725 Emden

Martina Ritter, Strategische Unternehmensentwicklung


Martina Ritter
Strategic corporate development

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG

Head Office Oldenburg
Hindenburgstr. 26-30
26122 Oldenburg