This Is What We Have on Board for You

9 Good Reasons to Get a Job at NPorts

[Translate to Englisch:] Zusammenarbeit in einem tollen Team

Collaboration Within a Great Team

We are people with different professional backgrounds, skills, personalities, opinions, nationalities, ages and genders. This diversity is what defines us. We think it is important that we can rely on each other, achieve success and celebrate together. In short: Without teamwork, we would go down. We believe in the guiding principle: “We work best together when we know each other." Getting to know each other starts with a good work introduction and participation in the New-At-NPorts Day or Apprentice Day. Through regular employee meetings, we have the opportunity to give and receive feedback beyond the daily exchange. Our team work takes place in person on site and digitally on our social intranet. This enables us to exchange information quickly across departments and locations.

[Translate to Englisch:] Sicherer Arbeitsplatz und pünktliches Gehalt

Safe Workplace and On-Time Salary

NPorts is a reliable employer: In addition to punctual pay, an annual bonus payment, and an attractive, mostly employer-funded pension scheme (capital accumulation benefits/VBL), we offer our employees a secure workplace.

As a 100% subsidiary of the State of Niedersachsen, we are also subject to the collective bargaining agreement of the federal states (TV-L). But what does that actually mean? In simple terms, it means the following: Our employees are classified into different pay groups depending on their professional or academic degree and occupation. With greater seniority, the advance to the next higher level takes place automatically - after fixed intervals - which results in a higher remuneration. In addition, there are tariff adjustments to the remuneration that are negotiated by the union for the employees.

[Translate to Englisch:] Vielfältige und spannende Aufgaben

Versatile and Exciting Tasks

All there is in a port are ships, quay walls and water? There is far more to it. In our 15 locations, we ensure smooth port operations every day. For example, our quay facilities and moorings are planned, built and maintained by our port construction team (consisting of civil engineers, technicians, construction supervisors, technical draftsmen and many more). For the locks in our ports we need female and male specialists in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering. To ensure a safe voyage, navigators guide the ships and crafts throughout the port, and the crew on board steers our dispatched working vessels. Our professional spectrum ranges from business men and women to port captains. Get familiar with the plethora of our different jobs.

Appreciation and a Positive Work Atmosphere

Our “Joint Commitment to Collaboration and Leadership” is the basis for mutual cooperation. The values contained therein ("We are reliable, trustworthy, responsible, promoting/developing, honest, team-oriented, respectful, communicative, and open to dispute.") give us valuable orientation for the mutual interaction in our daily work. This gives us a binding framework for action for all of us, regardless of which area we are working in or which tasks we are dealing with.

Joint Experiences Are Bonding: At our annual team event, we meet at one of our locations traditionally for Boßeln (a kind of shot-put game) and a joint "Flip Out". This promotes our team spirit and the exchange among ourselves.

Training and Continued Education Opportunities

Training and continued education are of great importance to us. That's why we train beyond our own demand and offer our apprentices high-quality support. But it is not only our apprentices and trainees who are being fostered. The continued education and training of our specialists and managers is also crucial for the quality of our work. A central element for achieving this goal is the continued education and training data base in our social intranet, which contains in excess of 160 continued education offers. We distinguish between technical and interdisciplinary offers: The technical qualifications are aimed at the individual areas of activity, and the interdisciplinary offers are primarily about leadership, communication behavior, or conflict resolution. This way we ensure that our employees are well-trained and continuously supported.

Reconcilability of Job and Family (Work/Life Balance)

We understand that our employees only have a clear head for their tasks if they can reconcile work and family life. That's why we the reconciliation of work and family life is deeply rooted in our corporate goals and we are a certified family-friendly employer.

Among other things, we have contact persons for family-related issues, a guide to re-entry after parental leave, various work location and working time models, as well as our own career and family portal on our social intranet. Information and tips on childcare services, maternity leave, parental leave, parental benefits, care for relatives and much more can be found there. 

Occupational Health Management

We care about healthy, efficient and motivated employees. For this reason, we have had a lively Company Health Management system for several years (abbreviated: BGM = Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement)

Our BGM team organizes regular health weeks and action days on topics such as nutrition, exercise, stress avoidance or smoking cessation. The team's first big heart related topic is fitness: We offer our employees a membership in the Hansefit program.

And we are also physically on the go outside the fitness studios: There are various company sports groups, such as Kutterpullen (cutter rowing), soccer, running, dragon boat competitions, bowling, etc.

Working Hours and Holidays

Our ports have to function like clockwork 24/7. We have many working time models to suit the different requirements. We offer everything from flex time, fixed working hours, shift work or home office. Flexibility is required from all sides: Both, the employees and the employer. In dialog, we develop solutions for working hours and workplace models. This is important to us, because we know that not every working hours model is suitable for certain phases of life and that our employees have different needs. This may mean that after a family time-out, a reduction in the volume of work may be necessary, or that a care situation requires a change in working hours in the short term. If you work, you must also have time to recover. According to the collective agreement, we offer all employees 30 days of vacation each year. Therefore we offer agreements for mini sabbaticals and the conversion of pay into vacation, in order to allow our employees the required time-out, if necessary.

Workers’ Council

Participation in the workers’ council means taking responsibility. That means that our eleven members always have an open ear for all of the nearly 700 NPorts employees. They represent the interests of employees within the framework of corporate co-determination. Health, occupational health and safety, equality between women and men, reconciliation of work and family life, social issues and many other issues are also discussed with the management in regular meetings.

The workers’ council participates in various committees such as the Occupational Safety Committee, the Economic Committee or the working group Occupational Health Management.
Practice Leads to Perfection: Our youth and apprentice representation focuses on the concerns of our young colleagues.

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