Marketing and Sales

Maintaining Relationships (Not the “Tinder” kind!).

NPorts makes the port a success factor for companies in the port industry. We see ourselves as pilots for our customers' projects, specialists for their requirements, and partners for the future: In marketing and sales, we accompany and support our customers, from the idea to the implementation.



Direct Targeting

We are looking for fresh relationships and foster long-term partnerships - preferably through direct conversation. For this reason, we are represented at trade fairs and conferences. We often use the network and services of the port marketing company Seaports of Niedersachsen. For a first overview, we have published our offer of land and real estate on our website.

Dirk Leibfried, Leitung Marketing & Vertrieb


Dirk Leibfried
Head of Marketing & Sales

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co.KG

Head Office Oldenburg
Am Schleusenpriel 2
27472 Cuxhaven

Problem Solvers

Our clientèle comes from both sides: The water and the land. In any case, they need the right offer and the right contact persons. Our locations are supported in their sales work by coordinating the customer and prospect inquiries. We regularly conduct customer discussions and customer surveys, from which we derive individual adaptations or even NPorts-wide strategic approaches.