Project Info


The INTERREG project REDII Ports stands for "Renewable Energy Development and Intelligent Implementation in Ports". The sub-project of NPorts aims to develop and intelligently integrate small-scale renewable energy solutions (wind, solar, heat) for port environments. On the one hand, NPorts ports are confronted with rising energy prices. On the other hand, NPorts has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2035. In order to achieve this, a consistent large-scale switch to renewable energy is necessary. In the past, small-scale solutions were considered "uneconomical", but in the course of rising energy and CO2 prices they are becoming more and more attractive. Existing large-scale renewable energy solutions often reach their limits in port environments. This is because larger wind turbines cannot be approved in the port environment. Larger photovoltaic projects often fail due to insufficient statics on available roofs and require large investment sums for realisation. The small-scale solutions are intended to develop potential where large-scale generation plants reach their limits in order to utilise the maximum generation capacity for green energies in the port.


Project Goal

In the course of the project, renewable energy solutions (e.g. small wind turbines, facade solar panels, heat pumps) that offer the greatest potential for use in the port environment are first to be identified on the basis of a potential study. It will also be examined which port areas/port infrastructure are suitable for the use of such systems. Promising solutions will then be tested in a test field for two years. During the project, the customers in the ports of NPorts will be involved in the project and will receive the results of the study as well as from the field tests. In addition, the project will be accompanied by a cluster for resource competence, a local association of companies of various sizes and industries that are committed to climate protection. The cluster will provide advice to the project as energy experts and potential users of the tested solutions.

Dr. Matthäus Wuczkowski, Leitung Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation


Dr. Matthäus Wuczkowski
Head of Sustainability and Innovation

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG

Head Office Oldenburg
Hindenburgstraße 26 - 30
26122 Oldenburg

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Project Partners

Project Funding