LEP-/LED Project

Project Info

Which light source is best suited to meet the special challenges for lighting in ports and at the same time to meet the demands of sustainable port develop-ment? The project partners NPorts, bremenports, JadeWeserPorts and BLG have dealt with these questions in the last three years in the LED / LEP project.

The three light sources sodium vapor lamp, LED (light emitting diode) and LEP (light emitting plasma) were examined for different criteria in different test series on railway systems, locks, container and piece goods storage. Light quality. Luminous efficacy, occupational safety, energy efficiency, little disruptive ef-fects on the life of insects: The criteria for the use of light in the port are diverse.

A conclusion was drawn at a joint closing event in Bremerhaven. For new sys-tems, LED lights are preferable to other lights. Warm white LED light is also beneficial for insect friendliness. This also led to the decision at NPorts to grad-ually convert the lighting in the ports to LED. The project was supported by funds from the Northwest Metropolitan Region. The full study can be found in the media section below (only available in German).

For additional picture material regarding this project, please contact our Press Office: presse@nports.de.


[Translate to Englisch:]


Olaf Eden
Operational Systems

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co.KG

Branch Brake
Brommystraße 2
26919 Brake


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Project Partners

Project Funding