Port of Belledune signs MOU with Niedersachsen Ports Wilhelmshaven

Wilhelmshaven |

Wilhelmshaven, 25.8.2022 The Belledune Port Authority (BPA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG Wilhelmshaven, Germany, to collaborate on the movement
of dry and liquid bulk commodities, and manufactured products, between Canada and Germany, with a focus
on clean fuels and green products.

The MOU will support the Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Canada and Germany
to establish an energy partnership aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through a transition to safe,
secure, reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy.
“This agreement creates a direct trade corridor between New Brunswick and one of the biggest clean energy
markets in Europe,” said BPA CEO Denis Caron. “We are very pleased to support Canada’s efforts to provide
sustainable energy to the world, while meeting our own goals to diversify, encourage new investment and
develop green energy solutions.”

The MOU between the Ports recognizes the role that their operations will play in creating infrastructure aimed
at the production, storage and shipment of clean fuels and green manufactured goods, for both domestic and
intercontinental markets, and in assuring safe and secure access for the movement of clean fuels, green energy
and other products between Canada and Germany.

‘We are highly delighted to announce an important partnership between the Port of Belledune (BPA) and
Niedersachen Ports. Our Port in Willemshaven will going forward assume an important role in the energy
supply of Germany. Together with BPA we also want to make a substantial contribution to the energy
transformation as a whole to a low carbon economy’, said Holger Banik, CEO of Niedersachen Ports GmbH &
Co. KG (NPOrts) and JadeWeserPort Realisierungs GmbH & Co. KG.

The MOU will allow the Ports to form a relationship that will support the emerging needs of Canada and
Germany’s energy and manufacturing sectors, with a particular focus on the production, storage and shipment
of cleaner fuels such as green ammonia, hydrogen, biomass and renewable natural gas.

About the Port of Belledune
The Belledune Port Authority (BPA) is a is part of Canada’s Port Authority network. Tasked with managing the
infrastructure and assets of the Port of Belledune in Northern New Brunswick (NB), the BPA’s objectives
include not only advancing the growth and prosperity of the economy in both Canada and the province of NB,
but also fulfilling public policy objectives. Situated on the Atlantic Ocean, the Port offers some of the shortest
sea shipping routes to Europe. Equipped with four marine terminals, 1,600 acres of industrial-zoned land and
world-class modern infrastructure, the Port specializes in the transportation of dry and liquid bulk, as well as
breakbulk or project cargo. For more information, visit www.portbelledune.ca.


Your Contact at the Press Department

Dörte Schmitz, Leitung Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Dörte Schmitz

Head of Communications and Public Relations
Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co.KG

Head Office Oldenburg

Hindenburgstraße 26 - 30

26122 Oldenburg