Nature & Resources

Healthy Environment

Due to the location of our ports as a link between sea and land, and due to its direct vicinity to protection-worthy areas, it is our special focus that our work is in harmony with nature and the environment. For this reason, the prevention principle is the basis for our actions. When we develop new port areas, we make up for our impact towards the environment through expansive compensation measures. This creates important eco systems and invaluable habitats for animals and plants in our region. We dedicate about a quarter of our entire area to the protection of nature.


By us, the control of environmentally relevant aspects of our business activities is with the staff department Strategic Corporate Development, and with the specialized departments at the individual port. In 2016, we adopted our Environmental Policy. The integration of the sustain- ability strategy into our corporate strategy firmly anchors our environmental policy into our corporate goals.


Environmental Management System

The basis for our environmental activities is our Environ- ment Management System. This is guided by PERS (Port Environmental Review System), which is the international environmental management system for ports. PERS was derived from ISO 14001 and was developed by ports for ports. The standard requires the implementation and documentation of certain environmental requirements. After their extensive two-year review, the certificate is awarded by the environmental initiative EcoPorts of the European Seaports Organization (ESPO). In this context, points of scrutiny are, for instance, the compliance with statutory requirements, the mapping of ecological effects on different parts of the port, and the reduction of nega- tive effects on the environment through the ports.

In 2016, we started to get our branch offices certified pursuant to PERS. Our goal: to unify the systematic in the individual branches, and to establish a joint management. And in 2019, we succeeded in doing so.

Responsible for the management system is the Staff Department Strategic for Corporate Development and the expert staff of each relevant area. Depending on the complexity of the tasks, we will also hire outside personnel when warranted. That way we make sure that the current standards are followed and that there is constant improvement.

The strategy itself and the proposed measures are checked and fine-tuned during the year together with all of the branch managers and corporate management. In addition, and depending on demand, meetings on topic-related aspects are held multiple times a year with the responsible colleagues. During the reporting period, there were ten annual talks with the branch offices, 24 regular appointments with business management, and eight meetings with the sustainability commissioners. In addition, there are special meetings with both male and female external experts.

The work groups are organized by the staff department Strategic Corporate Development/Sustainability Management. The purpose of the meetings is the verification of implemented activities and the initiation of new ones, plus the continued verification of the measures’ compliance with the law.

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A comprehensive environmental management also encompasses the examination of the materials that we use for our buildings, and their durability/lifespan. We would like to put a stronger emphasis on this topic going forward, and within this context, we want to implement a life cycle management. With it, we intend to systematically explore, how the deployed materials can be kept within the system for the longest time possible, thus saving resources and avoiding a lot of emissions. For our buildings, for instance, we us concrete and steel. The production of one metric tons of concrete releases 0.06 tons of CO2e; the production of one metric ton of steel even more, namely 2.4 tons of CO2e. With the help of our life cycle management, we intend to explore the deployment of alternative resources and approaches to solutions for maintenance.

Even at this point, we are participating in different collaborative research projects, so that we can develop solutions. By utilizing the 3D hydro mapper, we are developing a model for the automated assessment and prioritization of the status quo of the water edifices. The objective: To discover damages early on and initiate maintenance measures as needed and at an optimal point in time. Within the project Port_AI, and with the help of high-resolution, high-frequency, and comprehensive building data, we are producing ‘digital twins’, which form the basis for a smart infrastructure management. Only a consequent, digital management of the port infrastructure makes the frugal deployment of resources, a forward- looking maintenance, and an early and comprehensive detection and assessment of damages possible. Not only does this lead to cost savings. But the extension of life cycles of edifices and materials also generates significant energy and CO2 savings.

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Sustainable Management of Eco Systems

On a daily basis, we act as a hub between land and sea, and between the mainland and island world, in direct proximity to invaluable natural areas and to the Wadden Sea National Park. Therefore, to us, the responsible treatment of the eco systems comes naturally.

When building and operating infrastructure, we are always trying to keep the intrusion into nature as minimal as possible, or to completely avoid any such impact in the first place. Our approach is a mix between prevention and compensation. By following the prevention principle, we examine before each larger construction of maintenance measure the effects on nature and bio-diversity. We build in a demand-oriented manner and only things that are sensible for the business development of the customer and the region at large. In this context, we are paying attention to the utilization of gentle processes that will avoid noise pollution to the best extent possible.

When we build new port facilities and need to develop new areas for that purpose, we compensate for this intrusion into nature through extensive compensation meas- ures (so-called compensation areas). While complying with the statutory regulations, we often compensate more than the compensation measures required to offset the intrusion. When implementing such measures, we closely collaborate with environmental authorities and associations to find the best possible solutions and to include as many relevant factors as possible. This way, new eco habitats can develop for indigenous species of animals and plants on land plots that were previously subject to intense farming.

On all compensation areas, monitoring (with commensurate reporting) is performed by environmental engineering offices in regular intervals. They ensure the eco-compatible further development according to the determined compensational targets and the preservation of the created biotopes. From this, we derive preservation and maintenance measures that we then implement ourself or with the help of partners. In 2021, the extent of our compensation areas had reached and area of 922 hectares, which is equal to more than a quarter of NPorts’ total area. This means that a large portion of our surface areas is earmarked just for nature.

With our responsibility for nature and invaluable eco-systems, we go above and beyond the traditional compensation measures by actively getting involved in environmental projects. This active involvement is evident in many examples, where real added values for nature are created within the ports by applying creative solutions, thus making the port sites attractive and lively sites. For instance, we are giving our areas an ecological upgrade by providing nesting grounds and an ever-increasing number of flowering meadows to endangered animals and insects, so that they can make the port their home. A good example is an old bunker on the North Sea Island of Norderney that we have converted as a shelter for endangered bats. We also revamped side and center strips of roads on the island and converted them into flowering meadows to give insects an invaluable biotope for a long time to come. At the tidal drainage creek Baumrönne in Cuxhaven, we installed artificial double nests. House martins, barn swallows, and sparrow couples have adopted these nesting spots to rear their young.

One of our latest projects focuses on the conservation of the very endangered swifts. They nest at high altitude in crevasses under roof shingles or gaps in buildings. However, due to more rigorous restorations of buildings, their biotopes and nesting opportunities become more and more scarce. For this reason, we installed nesting boxes on our buildings in Oldenburg with the support from the environmental association NABU. Now we have to wait until May, when the swifts return to Germany from the Congo basin in Africa.

But we are not going to leave it at that. We also encourage our employees to install nesting opportunities on their private properties. To assist in this endeavor, we provided a guideline on how to install nesting spots at existing buildings, and how to directly integrate them when planning a new building. In addition, we are currently contemplating the development of a sustainable real estate management plan.

We are also in constant contact with local environmental organizations, such as the Ökowerk (‘Eco Works’) in Emden, the organization NABU in Oldenburg and Brake, the WWF, BUND, plus the Dutch and Danish NGOs regarding Wadden Sea initiatives.


Water and Sediment Management

Our core business makes us as port infrastructure company responsible for maintaining the water areas in our ports. Going forward, we want to systematically approach the topic ‘water’ more vigorously. Initially, we intend to capture our own water consumption with the help of the new energy management software. Aside from the plain water consumption and the sinking of groundwater level in construction sites, for instance, we are intent on discussing approaches in the management of sediments and water management.

And we have already implemented measures for the reduction of our impact on bodies of water at this point. For instance, through pinpoint dredging, we ensure a navigable target water depth. In order to safeguard the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site Wadden Sea, we have developed a comprehensive Dredging Management Program for our island ports. It reduces the impact of our dredging on the sensitive Wadden Sea and simultaneously provides important data about its development and its current status. Aside from taking certain dredge spoil from the water (see table below), we also utilize additional processes, such as water injection (2,693 dredging hours in 2021), and re-circulation in Emden (4,614,144 m3 in 2021).

Dredging Measures

Dredging Quantities by storage space volume (in m3)155.226218.176175.286118.291155.271
Dredging Quantities through re-circulation process (in m3)4.614.1443.780.1162.827.5163.089.2512.348.234
Deployment hours during water injection measures2.6932.9352.6032.2163.312

The increase in dredge quantities by storage space volume in 2020 can be explained by the increased sedimentation due to natural sediment dynamics.

Since 2020, the Ölhafen (Oil Port) and the Wendehafen (‘Turn Around Port’) in Emden have become part of our maintenance area. The same year, there was a test performed for tidal control to test different floodgate control settings at the flood barrage and to determine the impact of a flexible tidal control. In 2021, within the context of the project “DUAL Ports”, disposal measures were performed at the Ölhafen. The project's objective was to de-carbonize regional ports and to reduce their environmental footprint. These measures in 2020 and 2021 resulted in increased dredge amounts due to the re-cir- culation process. Within the AMISIA project, we intend to design the dredging maintenance in a more productive and eco-friendly manner with the help of innovative technologies and automated systems.

o ensure that as few cargo residues are carried into the surrounding waters of the ports as possible, we clean the port areas intensely and permanently, for instance by using motorized sweeper trucks. In addition, we mechanically remove deposits from the drainage systems.

One good example for this is our Seabin. It gets deployed in suitable port basins and ensures that floating debris from the water's surface are routinely ‘fished off’. We also participate in the Roundtable ‘Ocean Waste’ on a regular basis that is organized by Niedersachsen's Ministry of the Environment. This Roundtable is attended by various interest groups, such as NLWKN, water authorities, the Association of German Ship Owners, companies and representatives of the ports. Together, we develop waste avoidance strategies at this Roundtable and exchange ideas to get acquainted with different points of view and try to unify them.

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Waste Management

Our waste volume can be split into three categories: (1) Own wastes from port maintenance and administration, (2) Ships’ wastes that are generated by ships in our port, and (3) Construction wastes originating from externally awarded construction contracts.

In 2017, we introduced a systematic waste management for our own wastes. It serves to facilitate eco-friendly disposal and is guided by the Europe-wide established waste key numbers. The operational responsibility is with the individual branch offices that determine and implement the individual measures. In 2019, we made the entire waste management uniform. This includes communication and process development for capturing and documenting the waste volume and containers.

The commensurate systematic and the key operating figures of our waste management were developed and implemented by a work group. We did this, so that we can streamline our waste separation systems and include them in our reporting, down to the individual branch. This includes, among other things, volume (quantity), source location creating the waste, and waste type (e.g. hazardous waste, commercial waste, metal, etc.) individual branches. A direct comparison of the waste management of the individual branches is almost impossible, due to the differing sizes and task areas of the ports.

Ships’ wastes are managed by the Port Office department. Monitoring of international regulations for maritime traffic is the Port Authority’s responsibility here.


Proper Disposal of Our Own Waste

The waste disposal in our ports is guided by the principles of the waste hierarchy: Avoidance, Recycling, Disposal. For the avoidance of waste, we have implemented various measures, such as preferring to choose products with less packaging when making purchases, or returning empty containers for oils to our suppliers.

The recycling and disposal of waste requires for them to be properly separated, which by and large we already do. For this, we have developed waste collection points and waste roadmaps for the employees. Here, we distinguish between the different categories, such as residual waste, scrap wood, mixed scrap metal, cable scrap, electric appliances, waste paper, supplies and substances containing oil, waste oils, hazardous waste, Green Dot items (clean and dry everyday recycling items), and construction rubble. We distinguish our main waste sources by these categories: waste containing dangerous goods, mixed waste, organic waste, construction waste, and other, non-mixed wastes.

Despite of all our avoidance and our reuse, we will continue to generate waste within the scope of our activities for maintenance and new construction measures. In 2021, NPorts’ entire waste volume was 8,483 metric tons. The increase in the waste volume from the past years can be attributed to the larger construction measures of the branch offices. In the reporting years 2020 and 2019, at our headquarters in Oldenburg, we only generated such wastes that we were able to hand over to a community disposal provider. Therefore, no waste and no separation rate were documented. The wastes from previous years can be traced back to retrofitting construction measures.

Volume of Garbage and Separation Rate by Branch

in metric t2021202020192018Separation Rate 2021 (in %)
Total NPorts8.4847.4956.7842.66996,92

Our separation rate of 96.92% in 2021 is a bit lower than in 2019 (97.5%), but is still higher (by 13 per cent points) than in the base year 2018 (83.8%). Large projects often result in a high separation rate. Since there is no large-quantity disposal every year, the separation rate will differ slightly from year to year. However, in the construction yards, the waste quantities are consistent.


Ships’ Waste

In addition to our own waste, we are trying to keep the environmental impact from ships’ wastes as low as possible. That is why we have developed a Ships’ Waste Management Plan for every site. Subject to NPorts’ General Terms of Use, any incoming ship is required to pay a waste disposal lumpsum. While leveraging this fee, we have also created incentives for the proper and environmentally responsible disposal of ships’ wastes in our port. The ships can receive a refund of the disposal costs of up to 70% for waste that is within the usual scope, in terms of type and quantity, if they turn over their wastes to be properly disposed of. This waste removal must be reported to the individual port and occurs under supervision of the authorities.

This chiefly concerns ships’ wastes of two categories: Oil (MARPOL Annex I) and Ships’ Garbage (MARPOL Annex V). The first is typically removed by a tanker truck or a barge and then transferred towards proper disposal. Ships' waste pursuant to MARPOL Annex V is typically picked up from the ship by a container service.

Our Ships’ Waste Management Plan regulates the reporting and disposal of the waste. Such plans are strictly monitored and renewed every two years. Through our consistent implementation of the Ships’ Waste Management Plans, we are able to showcase our positive contribution for the protection of the seas (see overview).

Ships Waste in NPorts‘ Ports

20213.092,00 m3710,00 t
20202.085,10 m3983,20 t
20192.466,40 m3832,70 t
20182.603,80 m3726,60 t
20172.404,49 m3596,96 t
20162.677,71 m3588,79 t
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Sustainable Procurement

As a regionally anchored player, we look at procurement as an important lever for our sustainable management. Whenever possible, we are supporting regional procurement that has an economic, environmental, and social impact.

Centralized Procurement (Purchasing) has been actively productive since 1/1/2022. It is in charge of the procurement of deliveries and services, such as work wear, technical devices (i.e., computers, monitors, small devices for the construction yards and workshops). The procurement of construction and freelance services is exempted from this. This is the responsibility of the specialized departments. The specialized departments send their purchasing requests to Procurement and Procurement ensures the availability of the goods.

We acknowledge our need for action when it comes to sustainable procurement, but as a public sector principal, certain restrictions under public procurement law apply to us during the procurement process. But the laws and the subsequently adopted regulations thereto that can be applied in Niedersachsen below and also above the EU threshold values, afford us the possibility to consider sustainability aspects in various phases of a procurement process. Also, there are Sustainability regulations already laid down by us that must be followed (compulsory) during procurement, e.g., in Niedersachsen’s Waste Act (NAbfG) and within the scope of application of Nieder- sachsen’s Directive on Fleet Motor Vehicles in the State's Administration.

s a public sector principal, we are obligated to conduct public procurement procedures on a regular basis to obtain delivery, service and construction performances, which explains, why we cannot establish and develop a firm roster of suppliers. Put up for public procurement are services for the construction and operation of building facilities and services of any kind (such as maintenance services). For the construction of new buildings or complex technical facilities, for instance, we contract with suitable and high-performing industrial and expert construction companies, while applying economic aspects. Any materials are mostly sourced from wholesale companies, where we purchase material for the maintenance of the ports, but also things like office supplies.

Another challenge lies in the restrictions of the market. As an example, the market currently does not offer any dredgers that put out significantly lower emissions. Therefore, NPorts has initiated their own steps: Step-by-step, the fleet is being converted from diesel fuel to a liquefied fuel made from natural gas (Gas to Liquids), GtL). With this, we are reducing our emission output and pay it forward towards the superordinate goal of climate protection.

On top of that, we have taken additional steps to delineate environmental criteria for the Procurement and to apply those to certain product groups. On the one hand, we are increasingly sourcing certain product groups based on environmental criteria within the scope of public procurement. This includes construction lumber FSC, paper FSC & PEFC, paints, cleaning agents, eco-power, electric appliances (w. Energy Star rating), etc. Going forward, we are striving to systematize and deepen these approaches and transition them into our public procurement criteria. On the other hand, we are guided by the criteria of the State of Niedersachsen when choosing suppliers. In this respect, we also consider criteria such as minimum wage, human rights, and anti-discrimination.